
Crash To Desktop (CTD)

Crashing To Desktop (CTD) is an abrupt - no warning - closure of WWII Online. This can happen for a variety of reasons, whether it be a bug on our end, bad hardware or connectivity on your end, etc. To help us narrow down the many considerations we ask for you to send in a DXDIAG report of your PC, immediately after the crash happens. 

What you should do when a crash occurs:

  1. Do not re-launch any new programs, especially going back into the game.
  2. On your Windows 10 search bar (bottom left near windows icon), type: DXDIAG.
  3. Run the Dxdiag report.
  4. Save-all information to your desktop.
  5. Name the new file as: gamename-Dxdiag, so we can keep good track of it.
    1. Example: xoom-dxdiag 
  6. Send in a new support ticket, or update an existing one if you have one already, and attach that file as part of it.
  7. Make sure to describe in detail what you were doing to cause this crash if you are able.
  8. If you can repeat the crash doing the same sequence, clearly lay out what those steps are so our development and quality assurance teams can narrow in on what the issue is.

Something to know... if you do load up any new programs before sending in this report, it cancels out the issue that occurred with your crash. So it's very important to immediately run the dxdiag report before doing anything else.

Players sending in these sorts of reports are done voluntarily and helps CRS to narrow in on issues that are adversely impacting gameplay. While crashes can be a natural occurrence to software development, we wanted to take this opportunity to apologize for the inconvenience and also give you a big high five for reading this article and sending in your report. It helps everyone greatly, thank you!

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