What is 'Welcome Back Soldier!' ?
Our 'Welcome Back Soldier!' promotion allow people who for some reason left us to try to game again for free for 30 days. During those 30 days, the account will have FULL PREMIUM ACCESS to both the game and the forums
This promotion is valid from August 30th to December 1th, 2017.
Who is Eligible for this Promotion?
All Premium and Starter subscription accounts that are inactive prior to August 30th are eligible for this promotion. This applies for alt accounts aswell.
Free to play accounts are NOT part of this promotion.
How do i activate this promotion?
Log in to your account management here: wwiionline.com/account .
If the account qualify for this promotion, you will see a big image explaining the WBS promotion. Just click on the image and it will activate the offer.
PLEASE NOTE: if you are already logged in, you will NOT see the offer under " special offers ". If you are already logged in, please go here: https://secure.wwiionline.com/users/manage.jsp
Just click on the image in the center, and 'viola' , you're done! Your account now has 30 days of premium access!