
How do I connect my existing account to Steam?

If you have your account thru Playnet (our organic, non-Steam channel), you cannot connect it to Steam as its two different platforms.

If you have an old account made outside of Steam, you will use the normal Playgate portal as usual, and if you created your account thru Steam you can only use steam to launch the game.

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  • 0
    Michael Johnson

    payed to play for a year and now all I get is your account is inactive, but 10 min.s before I was playing?

  • 0
    Michael Johnson

    Is there some thing wrong with crs accounts triing to log on?

  • 0
    Michael Johnson

    got an e-mail saying that my visa did not go throw, but I just used it and it is okay. now I have tried to do the three month instead a year, same thing account is not active?????

  • 0
    steve walker

    Can't pay you. Sept. payment paid. CRS response unintelligible. I guess time to find a new game


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